Man carrying out a vehicle check on a grey car that has the bonnet up. The vehicle check app is in the bottom right corner.

Daily vehicle checks that suit your needs

RAM Tracking have a daily vehicle checklist for drivers to fill out, this helps them to simply ensure the fleet manager understands any of the issues that there are with their vehicle. Ensuring that they are customisable ensures that they are deemed road-worthy by the standards of the car manufacturer for the specific make and model that each driver is driving.

By law, you must ensure that your vehicles are well maintained, in an efficient state of working order and in good repair. Ensuring that your vehicles fill these different points can be done with ease with car, van and HGV walkaround checks which are then filled out within the daily vehicle checklist template that the fleet manager updates between drivers based on vehicle.

Whilst you could just carry out a DVSA walkaround check, you ensure that each and every vehicle is up to the correct standard by having all of your employees carry out a daily vehicle check. It allows you to catch maintenance needs sooner rather than later.

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Silver car with oil leak - Vehicle Check on iPhone shows everything is okay except engine oil is low due to leak

The basics of driver daily walkaround checks

There are various aspects of your fleet that must be checked upon for it to be considered road-worthy, these will change based upon the vehicle manufacturer and model, however, there are some aspects that every daily vehicle check should cover.

  • Condition of the vehicle bodywork, windscreen, windows and lights
  • Condition of the tyres, pressure and wear
  • Brake and clutch fluid levels
  • Function of the seatbelts
  • Usability of horn

Things like this must be universally checked within the daily vehicle checks as this is of utmost importance to driver safety.


Person checking the tyre pressure of a vehicle

Driver daily walkaround checks as part of your daily routine

Driver daily walkaround checks can become a very easy part of your morning routine before you start your shift. As you enter a vehicle, you will automatically make a few different checks without even realising it. You will ensure that your mirrors are correctly aligned as well as ensuring that you have enough fuel, or when you will need to refuel as well as that you have fastened your seatbelt for the journey ahead

If your fleet manager creates a daily vehicle checklist template which each driver works from in the morning to carry out their check, this ensures that drivers simply just open up the daily vehicle check app and fill out the appropriate information.

Whilst it may seem like your drivers have a lot to check every day, it should be able to be completed quite quickly. Additionally, you can catch issues early on, saving you money in maintenance, making the small maintenance improvements over time will cost less than having to deal with large issues all at once.

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Worn down tyre - tread completely worn out

Increase driver safety with daily vehicle checks

Using a daily vehicle check app to fill out a pre-made checklist is an easy and effective way to ensure that your drivers are as safe as they can be at the start of each shift. Using vehicles that are not road-worthy puts your drivers in danger, if the lights are not working and drivers are going to be driving at night, your drivers are in danger.

Getting your drivers into a routine of daily vehicle checks allows your drivers to spot these issues which, over time, when they become more severe, become potentially dangerous.

Your fleet covers a lot of mileage every day so these faults can develop fairly quickly. Ensuring that the daily vehicle checklist for drivers are being carried out every day ensures that any issues with the vehicles can be caught early whilst mitigating further damage. 

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Look after your drivers and keep on top of wear and tear of your vehicles by carrying out daily vehicle checks. This allows you to keep costs for any maintenance issues down.

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